Gippsland United FC are now accepting player Expressions of Interest for our Skills Acquisition Program (SAP) for 2025. Trials will commence in Late March/ early April, with the program set to commence soon after, and run for a period of 18 weeks (3 x 6-week cycles).
As a key aspect of Football Australia's National Curriculum, the implementation of SAP is to perfect and accelerate the skill development of players at the critical ages of 9-12. This is the age group universally acknowledged to be the optimal mental and physical phase that allows children to learn motor skills.
The program is offered to all boys & girls aged 9-12 years across the Gippsland region, with hubs in South Gippsland (Wonthaggi), East Gippsland (Sale/Bairnsdale), Central (Morwell) and West Gippsland (Trafalgar/Warragul). * Hubs will only be established depending on player numbers from each location.
The SAP operates under our Technical Director and delivered by like-minded coaches from Community Clubs.
Program Details:
Trials open to ALL girls and boys born Jan 2013 - Dec 2016.
Weekly Training Sessions.
Focused on the four core skills - 1v1, First Touch, Striking the ball & Running with the Ball.
Uniform provided - including shirt, shorts, socks & Jacket.
SAP Gala Day
This program also supports boys & girls continued participation at local club level.
Cost: $320 per player (18-week program)
Trial Dates: Late March/Early April (TBC) (2 trials per centre)
Start Date: late April 2024 (TBC).
Times: To be Confirmed.
Venues: Central - (Gippsland Sports & Entertainment Precinct, Morwell)
West - (Trafalgar Recreation Reserve/Baxter Park, Warragul)
South - (Wonthaggi SC), East - (TBC),
For more information, please contact